No time to live?

story of "Always late A"

Living in this hectic contemporary world, I feel that time is always chasing me. Yet, I must also chase time. We feel that there is no time left, no time to rest, to think, to make it right, and no time to feel anything anymore. People cannot stop running. There are so many problems and issues to consider and solve but people have no time for them. We are tied up with time bombs. The problems are piling up more and more every day, and time is running out…

Part of a series entitled Always Late, Always Late A is a double-layered skirt in the set-up series of women's dresses. On the left side, a white rabbit (recalling the one from Alice in Wonderland) is listening to the tick-tock of a clock which is chained to a belly button. The nuclear icon on its dial refers to the threat of radioactive waste that we have ignored for ages. And that threat is now coming back to us as a time bomb-shaped bag saying, “always late”. On the right side, there is a sand clock saying, “TIME KILLS” and the Medicine Buddha (as known as Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来) with a COVID-19 image on his chest. A big lotus flower representing the sacred creation comes out from his head. The lotus along with two carnation flowers stands as a symbol of maternal love and are shaped like a uterus and ovaries. This refers to the biological clock of women and their social obligation to give birth in modern society. On the thigh, there is a letter in a glass bottle saying, “Do you feel any(thing)?”