When the corona viruses pandemic happened, we have to live our lives holding breath. People were afraid of the fatal air. We could not breathe any more. And the medical support was our only hope. In this piece I depict our hope to heal and get back to our safe normal lives.
I made a female torso with red flower dress hanging on a manga thought bubble boards covered with the same textile. In this female torso, there us a human lung looking like a cherry blossom and plum, Japanese traditional sacred flowers, with full of corona viruses. On the right shoulder, I depict washing hands with bubbles looks like praying hands. On the left shoulder there are a vaccination bin and syringe. On the both arm there are Pharma symbols, medical profession symbols. On the waist of the torso there is a nurse with a vaccination syringe with red rose, as my respect for medical professions. On the bubble board if you can take a look carefully you will find many red corona viruses and radiation icons under cover of red roses.